速報APP / 活動 / Harry & Meghan Wedding Day Procession

Harry & Meghan Wedding Day Procession





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Arts Gateway Office, 3rd Floor Norfolk House East, 106-108 Saxon Gate West Milton Keynes MK9 2DN

Harry & Meghan Wedding Day Procession(圖1)-速報App

This app will give you an interactive map of the Royal wedding Procession route, with on where is the best places to see the procession. There historic information on the historic buildings and place where the Royal wedding will be taking place, also extra links to view some building in 360 degree. We have also provide the official timetable and schedule of the wedding and the after parties. I hope it is useful in helping you to view the procession in person or to help you understand the route.

If you share your location with Google then you will see where your location is to the procession route. This app will be updated regularly leading up to the day, and then hour by hour updates on the day.

Harry & Meghan Wedding Day Procession(圖2)-速報App

There is a page with more information on St George hall, where the wedding is going to take place, with inside photos and a 360 degree viewing. On a second page there is a historic look at the Windsor Castle which is the Royal families (Windsor family) ancient home.

We wish Prince Harry and Meghan a happy wedding day and a long and happy married life.

Harry & Meghan Wedding Day Procession(圖3)-速報App

I would be grateful if you could leave a good review in Google play or Apple store. If you wish to contact us then please email on: admin@monkeymagiccloud.com . We are always happy to hear from our customers.

This app will not ask for, or hold any of you personal data, Monkey Magic Cloud - Dev are compliant with the GDPR (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION).

Harry & Meghan Wedding Day Procession(圖4)-速報App